January 09, 2024

My 2023 Flower Photos

 Wow, 2023 went by fast. I moved into an apartment and it took a while to settle in, because I didn't have any furniture... nowhere to put things. So, as I bought cabinets and shelves, I unpacked.  In the meantime, I bought some flowers around Valentines Day and Mother's Day. The grocery store here has a great selection of flowers in it's nursery! Nice store. I like it. And I bought flowers for the outside trough planters that surround the little apartments, right outside my front and back doors... begonias, pansies, and lobelia.  

On with the show!   I'm going to post medium thumbnails. If you want,  just click on them to see them in the viewer a little bit bigger.  

That's the smattering of my flower photos for 2023. Thank you, for stopping by and taking a look......... leave a comment, say Hi!